Friday, August 14, 2009

The Great Pants Along

Joanna over at Stardust Shoes has invited crafters (an non crafters alike) to explore the world of garment sewing. I have never had much luck in the garment area and think this is a great way to learn....together!

Join along if you like! I will be posting my progress here.....first up, rounding up materials!

I am thinking one of these three fabrics....which one would you go with??

I am leaning toward the middle one :)


  1. Well, what'd you decide? They're all great. I don't think you could go wrong w/any of them.

  2. h, i like the last one. what did you decide?

  3. Oh! I decided on the middle one :) I ordered it last monday and it STILL has not come in!

    **must be patient**
