Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Growing Tradition (and a Holiday Green Tip!)

Sometimes its difficult to create new traditions, when there are so many that already exist around you. So this year, we decided to literally "grow" our own!

Sparked by the annual decision to cut a real tree, or buy a plastic one......we decided to buy a live potted cutting!!

I am pleased to announce the newest member of our family, a Dwarf Alberta Spruce!

It may be small now, but I hear it will grow to about 6 feet!

Commence tree trimming....which took all of 5 minutes ;)

Which would not be complete with out some broken ornaments!!

What traditions are you growing this year??


  1. a friend of mine did the very same thing when he first got married. they planted it in the middle of their home. over the years it grew and grew until it grew so big that they had to cut a hole through the ceiling of their second level. i love this idea

  2. GREAT idea!!! I bought a cute little spruce tree this year. Its sitting on my kitchen table. Hadnt thought about the decorating it part!!! I gave away ALL my plants but one (most of them to Nicole) before we moved. Now I am starting to replace them. One at a time!!! As reading your blog.

  3. How great this is! I'm so proud of you guys. You are teaching Caue some good values. what Christmas can be about. I love you guys.
