Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring (and why I've been absent!)

Has it been a MONTH!!!! So much has happened in this beginning of Spring :) Heres a little snippit......and I promise to be better!

SNOW on the first day of spring :)

Trying our hands at natural egg dying

Our very OWN garden!!

with puddles and galoshes galore :D

A Teeny bit of crafting... main preoccupation....

oh yeah.....thats a baby bump your lookin at!


LuElena said...

I meant to post that we made your papier mache dinos for my boyfriend's son's "trash to treasure" project for school. Thanks for sharing! We had fun making a mess, and all the kids got in on the action.

Olivia Jean said...

Thanks Lu!

I would love to see pictures :D Send me a link if you have any!

Joanna said...

Look at you and cute belly! Congratulations. When are you due????

Olivia Jean said...


I'm due early October :D yay!